Results for 'Joseph ben Solomon Colon'

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  1. Sefer ha-ḳadosh Yesod Yosef: be-ʻinyene shemirat berit ḳodesh.Joseph ben Solomon Calahora - 1972 - Yerushalayim: [S.N.]. Edited by Ḥananya Yom Ṭov Lipa Daiṭsh.
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  2. Sefer Yesod Yosef: ṿe-hu tiḳun ḳeri.Joseph ben Solomon Calahora - 1895 - Munḳaṭsh: Mosheh Hershḳoṿiṭsh.
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  3. Yesod Yosef.Joseph ben Solomon Calahora, Ḥayim Yitsḥaḳ Aharon, Eliyahu Saliman Mani, Moses ben Menahem Graf, Shimʻon ben Daṿid Abayov & Avraham Bar Shem Ṭov (eds.) - 1977 - [Yerushalayim: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Sefer ha-ʻIḳarim ha-shalem.Joseph Albo, Jacob ben Samuel Bunim Koppelman & Gedaliah ben Solomon Zalman Lipschuetz - 1994 - Yerushalayim: Ḥorev. Edited by Jacob ben Samuel Bunim Koppelman & Gedaliah ben Solomon Zalman Lipschuetz.
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  5. Teshuvot ha-Rashba.Solomon ben Abraham Adret, Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph Astruc & Haim Z. Dimitrovsky - 2011 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim. Edited by Haim Z. Dimitrovsky.
    Ḥeleḳ Rishon, kerekh 1. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot ṿe-tsoraf la-hen Sefer Minḥat ḳenaʼot le-R. Aba Mari de-Lunil [Haḳdamah-pereḳ 37] -- Ḥeleḳ Rishon, kerekh 2. Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot ṿe-tsoraf la-hen Sefer Minḥat ḳenaʼot le-R. Aba Mari de-Lunil [pereḳ 38-pereḳ 127] -- Ḥeleḳ sheni. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Masekhet Berakhot ṿe-Seder Zeraʻim -- Ḥeleḳ shelishi. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Masekhet Shabat ṿe-ʻEruvin.
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  6. Sefer Rabi Yosef Zundel mi-Salanṭ.Eliezer Rivlin, Joseph Sundel ben Benjamin Benish Salant, Elijah ben Solomon & Ḥayyim ben Isaac Volozhiner (eds.) - 1992 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  7. Essays in Jewish Philosophy. A Selection From the Scattered Essays, Lectures and Articles, Among Which Some Major Studies on the Principles of Judaism, on the Philosophy of Saadya and of Jehuda Hallevi, and on Crescas and Spinoza.David Neumark & Samuel Solomon Cohon - 1971 - Philo Press.
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  8. Corresponding knowledge : arguments about emotions and entertainment in Berlin and Cairo around 1900.Joseph Ben Prestel - 2022 - In Renate Dürr, Threatened knowledge: practices of knowing and ignoring from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Sefer Otsrot Yosef.Joseph ben Judah Engel - 1921 - Monsi: Mekhon "Ohave Torah". Edited by Tsevi Zeʼev Friedman & Joseph ben Judah Engel.
    Kerekh 1. Derashot: Shir la-maʼalot ha-anaṿah. Derashah le-Shabat shuvah shenat 670. 8 Derashot -- Kerekh 2. Maʼamarim: Maʼamar levanah ; Maʼamar Daṿid ; Shev de-neḥemata.
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  10. Shemoneh ḥaḳirot: matan śekharan shel mitsṿot.Joseph ben Meir Teomim - 2013 - Modiʻin ʻIlit: Yosef Avraham Ṿolf. Edited by Mosheh ben Meʼir Yeshaʻy Ṿarshner & Yosef Avraham Ṿolf.
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  11. (1 other version)Shevet musar.Elijah ben Solomon Abraham - 1910
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  12. Immersion, Absorption, and Spiritual Experience: Some Preliminary Findings.Joseph Glicksohn & Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:543892.
    Many traditions have utilized silent environments to induce altered states of consciousness and spiritual experiences. Neurocognitive explorations of spiritual experience can aid in understanding the underlying mechanism, but these are surprisingly rare. We present the verbal report and the electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha profile of a female participant scoring a maximal 34 on the Absorption Scale, recorded before and while she was immersed in a whole-body perceptual deprivation (WBPD) tank. We analyze her trancelike experience in terms of the imagery reported: a (...)
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  13. Moreh-ha-nevukhim.Salomon Munk, Judah ben Solomon Harizi & Simon B. Scheyer (eds.) - 1952 - Tel Aviv: Maḥbarot le-sifrut.
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    Sefer Sheveṭ musar.Elijah ben Solomon Abraham - 1985 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: [Ḥ. Mo. 1.].
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  15. Sefer Derashot Sheveṭ musar: kolel sheloshah derashot ha-medabrim be-ʻinyan teshuvah..Elijah ben Solomon Abraham - 1711 - [Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg.
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  16. Sefer Sheveṭ musar: ha-shalem.Elijah ben Solomon Abraham - 1988 - Yerushalayim: Ḥ.Y. Ṿaldman. Edited by Ḥayim Yosef Ṿaldman.
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  17. Matan śekharan shel mitsṿot.Joseph ben Meir Teomim - 1964 - Yerushalayim,:
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  18. Yesod ha-emunah.Joseph ben Ḥayyim Jabez - 1961 - Edited by Joseph ben Ḥayyim Jabez & Zevi Elimelech Spiro.
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  19. Maran ha-Bet Yosef: pirḳe hagut, maḥshavah u-musar, ʻetsot, hadrakhot u-segulot.Joseph ben Ephraim Karo - 2010 - Yerushalaim: Mekhon Gesharim. Edited by Mosheh Rozen.
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  20. Sefer Minḥat Yosef: liḳuṭim yeḳarim ṿe-niflaʼim be-godel maʻalat Toratenu... ; Sefer Peri megadim: azharot ṿe-hanhagot ṭovot u-minhage Ḥasidut... meluḳaṭim mi-sifre ha-ḳedoshim..Joseph ben Emanuel Ergas - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim ṿe-khitve yad Ahavat shalom, Yad Shemuʼel Franḳo. Edited by Joseph ben Emanuel Ergas.
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  21. Sefer ḥasde H.Joseph ben Ḥayyim Jabez - 1934 - Yerushalayim: Tsuḳerman. Edited by Samuel Halpern.
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  22. Der Schulchan aruch.Joseph ben Ephraim Karo - 1935 - [Düsseldorf,: Edited by Loewe, Heinrich Georg Fr & [From Old Catalog].
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  23. Sefer Minḥat Yosef: liḳuṭim yeḳarim ṿe-niflaʼim be-godel maʻalat Toratenu... ; Sefer Peri megadim: azharot ṿe-hanhagot ṭovot u-minhage Ḥasidut... meluḳaṭim mi-sifre ha-ḳedoshim..Joseph ben Emanuel Ergas - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim ṿe-khitve yad Ahavat shalom, Yad Shemuʼel Franḳo. Edited by Joseph ben Emanuel Ergas.
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  24. Effectiveness for infinite variable words and the Dual Ramsey Theorem.Joseph S. Miller & Reed Solomon - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (4):543-555.
    We examine the Dual Ramsey Theorem and two related combinatorial principles VW(k,l) and OVW(k,l) from the perspectives of reverse mathematics and effective mathematics. We give a statement of the Dual Ramsey Theorem for open colorings in second order arithmetic and formalize work of Carlson and Simpson [1] to show that this statement implies ACA 0 over RCA 0 . We show that neither VW(2,2) nor OVW(2,2) is provable in WKL 0 . These results give partial answers to questions posed by (...)
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  25. Sihot Al Ha-Filosofyah Shel Ha-Mada.Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Joseph Agassi & Chemi Ben-Noon - 1996
  26. Olam katan.Joseph ben Jacob Ibn Ẓaddik - 1967 - Edited by S. Horovitz.
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    Seper biyṭwl ʻiqarey haNwṣriym lR' Ḥasdaʼy Qreśqaś.òhasdai Crescas, Joseph Ben Shem Tov & Daniel J. Lasker - 1990 - Beʼer-Shevaʻ: Hotsaʼat ha-sefarim shel Universiṭat Ben-Guryon ba-Negev. Edited by Joseph Ben Shem Tov & Daniel J. Lasker.
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  28. Sefer Marʼot Elohim.Enoch ben Solomon al-Ḳusṭanṭini - unknown - [s.n.],: Edited by Colette[From Old Catalog] Sirat.
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  29. Sefer Pitḥe teshuvah: sheloshah sefarim niftaḥim.ʻAzriʼel Mantsur, Eleazar ben Judah, Isaac ben Solomon Luria & Avraham Palag'I. (eds.) - 2010 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat sifre rabotenu she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat "Shuvi nafshi".
    Seder ha-teshuvah -- Marpe la-nefesh -- Teshuvah me-ḥayim.
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  30. Masekhet Avot: ʻim perush ʻOvadyah mi-Barṭenura u-ferush Sheveṭ musar.Obadiah Bertinoro, Mordechai U. Golob & Elijah ben Solomon Abraham (eds.) - 2004 - Lakewood, N.J.: Aron Tikotzky.
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    Sefer Sheʼelot u-teshuvot: be-ʻinyene ha-filosofya ʻarukh le-ḥakhme Yiśraʼel ule-ḥakhme ha-ʻamim.Joseph ben Abraham Baṣīr - 2004 - Ashdod: Mekhon "Tifʼeret Yosef" le-ḥeḳer ha-Yahadut ha-Ḳaraʼit. Edited by Yosef ben ʻOvadyah Algamil.
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    Maimonides' Treatise on Logic: Makalah Fi-Sina-at Al-Mantik.Moses Maimonides, Israel Efros, Joseph ben Joshua Moses ibn Tibbon, Ahitub ben Isaac & Ibn Vives al-Lorqui - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: American Academy for Jewish Research.
    Text Is In English, Hebrew And Arabic. American Academy For Jewish Research, Proceedings, V8, 1937-1938.
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    Igrot ha-Rambam: ḥalifat ha-mikhtavim ʻim R. Yosef ben Yehudah.Moses Maimonides, Abraham S. Halkin, D. H. Baneth & Joseph ben Judah Ibn Shim on - 1985 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit. Edited by Ibn Shimʻon, Joseph ben Judah, D. H. Baneth & Abraham S. Halkin.
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  34. Sefer Ha-Ḥinukh: Beʼur 613 Mitsṿot Ha-Torah.Abraham Kabalkin, Aryeh Yeraḥmiʼ Buḳsboim, el & Joseph ben Moses Babad (eds.) - 2011 - Mifʻal Torat Ḥakhme Polin, Mekhon Yerushalayim.
    ḥeleḳ 1. Mitsṿot 1-41 -- ḥeleḳ 2. Mitsṿot 42-114.
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    Dynamics of the Sphere Model of Consciousness: Silence, Space, and Self.Andrea Pintimalli, Tania Di Giuseppe, Grazia Serantoni, Joseph Glicksohn & Tal D. Ben-Soussan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:548813.
    The Sphere Model of Consciousness (SMC) delineates a sphere-shaped matrix that aims to describe the phenomenology of experience using geometric coordinates. According to SMC, an experience of overcoming of the habitual self and the conditioning of memories could be placed at the center of the matrix, which can be then called the Place of Pre-Existence (PPE). The PPE is causally associated with self-determination. In this context, we suggest that silence could be considered as an intentional state enabling self-perception to be (...)
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  36. Milot Ha-Higayon ...Bi-Mekoro Ha- Arvi Uve-Targume Ibn Tibon, Ahitov U-Vivas, Arukh...U-Meturgam Anglit Al Yede Yi Sra El Efrat.Moses Maimonides, Israel Efros, Mosheh Ibn Tibon, Joseph ben Joshua Ahitub ben Isaac & Ibn Vives al-Lorqui - 1938 - Ha-Akademyah Ha-Amerikanit le-Mada E Ha-Yahadut.
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  37. Sefer Ahavat ʻolam: kolel derushim niflaʼim ʻal sheloshah ha-ʻamudim: Torah, ʻavodah u-gemilut ḥasadim.Solomon ben Abraham Algazi - 1999 - Bruḳlin: Sifre Algazi.
    1. ʻAmud Torah. ʻAmud ʻavodah, ḥ. 1 -- 2. ʻAmud ʻavodah, ḥ. 2. ʻAmud gemilut ḥasadim.
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  38. Sefer Peʼer ha-Beʼer Mayim Ḥayim: ṿe-zeh shemo yeḳare lo, ʻEts Ḥayim hi: be-ʻinyene kedushat ha-yesod u-teshuvah..Ḥayyim ben Solomon - 1999 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: Mekhon Shesh ṿe-argaman.
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  39. Sefer Even shelemah: tosfaʼah: ṿe-hu nosad le-fales darkhe ha-Torah ṿeha-ʻavodah... ṿe-khol eleh meyusadim ʻal miḳraʼe ḳodesh u-maʼamre Ḥazal kefi mah she-beʼaram la-amitah shel Torah.Elijah ben Solomon - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Y. Maltsan. Edited by Shemuʼel ben Avraham Maltsan.
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  40. Un glossario filosofico ebraico-italiano del XIII del secolo.Moses ben Solomon - 1969 - Roma,: Edizioni dell'Ateneo. Edited by Giuseppe Sermoneta.
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  41. Igeret ha-Gera: ha-niḳret ʻAlim li-terufah: ʻa. pi defus Minsḳ...: ʻim beʼur... be-shem Devar ha-igeret.Elijah ben Solomon - 2000 - Nyu Yorḳ, Ar. ha-B.: Mekhon ha-Gera. Edited by Neḥemyah ben Yeruḥam Fishl Fefer.
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  42. Sefer Even shelemah: le-fales darkhe ha-Torah ṿeha-ʻavodah be-mozne tsedeḳ ule-fanot me-hem kol avne mikhshol le-val yikashlu vahem toʻe ruaḥ, ṿe-gam ḳetsat me-ʻinyene śekhar ṿa-ʻonesh ṿe-ʻod ezeh ʻinyanim niflaʼim, ṿe-hu meyusad ʻal miḳraʼe ḳodesh u-maʼamre Ḥazal kefi mah she-beʼaram la-amitah shel Torah.Elijah ben Solomon - 2015 - Yerushalayim: Y. Zaloshinsḳi. Edited by Shemuʼel ben Avraham Maltsan, Isaac Malzan & Elijah ben Solomon.
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    Éléments d'une sociologie historique des sciences.Joseph Ben-David, Gad Freudenthal, Michelle De Launay & Jean-Pierre Rothschild - 1997 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Joseph Ben-David (1920-1986) fut un des sociologues des sciences les plus innovateurs et les plus en vue des années soixante et soixante-dix. Travaillant dans le cadre des théories sociologiques de Max Weber, Talcott Parsons et Robert Kmerton, il élabora dans ses ouvrages et nombreux articles une théorie sociologique originale du développement scientifique. Par sa démarche diachronique, il se démarque des sociologues des sciences de l'école fonctionnaliste ; par sa perspective sociologique, il définit des nouvelles problématiques qui viennent s'ajouter à (...)
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  44. ʻAl shitat ha-madaʻ.Joseph Solomon Bentwich - 1954 - [Tel-Aviv]:
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    Igeret ha-Gera =.Elijah ben Solomon - 2017 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications. Edited by Shai Graucher & Asher Dicker.
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    Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and Ethos of Science.Joseph Ben-David & Gad Freudenthal (eds.) - 1991 - University of California Press.
    "Here, for the first time, we have the work of a key pioneer presented in all its depth and range. The pragmatic and prophetic voice of Joseph Ben-David speaks with a power and a clarity that will win the attention of a new generation of scholars."--Arnold Thackray, University of Pennsylvania "A superb collection of brilliant papers by a pioneering mind of international fame, who did much to shape the sociology of science. In organizing this major work, its knowing editor, (...)
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    Bette Anton, MLS, is the Head Librarian of the Optometry Library/Health Sciences Information Service. This library serves the University of California at Berkeley–University of California at San Francisco Joint Medical Program and the University of California at Berkeley School of Optometry.Solomon R. Benatar, Susan S. Braithwaite, Alexander Morgan Capron, Ruth Chadwick, Joseph C. D’Oronzio, Susan Dorr Goold, Kenneth V. Iserson, Roger L. Jackson & Greg S. Loeben - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9:446-447.
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  48. Sefer ha-Emunot ṿeha-deʻot: be-nusaḥ metuḳan ʻa. pi defus rishon (Ḳushṭa 322) mugah u-menuḳad.Saʻadia ben Joseph - 2013 - Merkaz Shapira: Or ʻEtsyon Sifre ekhut Toraniyim, ha-Makhon ha-Torani ʻa. sh. R. Yitsḥaḳ ṿe-Ḥanah Sṭrolovits'. Translated by Shmuel Ibn Tibbon.
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    Sefer ha-emunot ṿeha-deʻot.Saʻadia ben Joseph - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Ariʼel, Mifʻale Torah, Yahadut ṿe-ḥevrah be-Yiśraʼel. Edited by Adam Noaḥ Braʼun, ʻAzriʼel Ariʼel & David Cohen.
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    Sefer Ha-Emunot Ṿeha-Deʻot: Be-Nusaḥ Metuḳan ʻa. Pi Defus Rishon (Ḳushṭa 322) Mugah U-Menuḳad.Saʻadia ben Joseph - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Or ʻetsyon Sifre Ekhut Toraniyim, Ha-Makhon Ha-Torani ʻa. Sh. R. Yitsḥaḳ Ṿe-Ḥanah Sṭrolovits'. Edited by Shmuel Ibn Tibbon & Shalom Kohen.
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